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  • Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


Join our event in Jakarta:

“From Vision to Reality – BOBST Presents the Next Frontier in the Flexible Packaging Industry”

This key flexible packaging industry event will showcase “Packaging Industry 4.0”, powered by BOBST Connect. Connect is a Cloud-based digital platform that, along with BOBST printing and converting technologies and extensive services and performance solutions, has been tailored to meet local customer needs in label and flexible packaging production.

Register today to experience BOBST's latest innovations and meet with our Experts on October 8, in Jakarta.  https://go.bobst.com/l/953593/2024-08-14/6nbwq

BOBST team        


Peserta Exhibitor SPE 2024 dan Visitor Meningkat 20% dari Tahun lalu

BOBST SEAP photosession

BOBST mengumumkan peluncuran Bobst Connect di pasar Asia Tenggara Pasifik, yang membentuk masa depan dunia pengemasan.

Pada 27-28 Juni 2024 lalu, BOBST South East Asia Pacific mengundang redaksi Printpack Magazine Indonesia untuk bergabung dalam Acara Pengemasan Regional

Asia Tenggara-Pasifik (SEAP) 2024. Acara utamanya adalah peluncuran regional platform digital berbasis cloud BOBST Connect. Acara dibagi menjadi dua sesi, Kamis 27 Juni membahas label dan kemasan fleksibel dan Jumat 28 Juni didedikasikan untuk karton lipat dan papan bergelombang. Acara ini dihadiri 200 BOBST customers

dan 35 industry partners ; IPP Malaysia, DIC, Miraclon, CITO, SHARP (Malaysia), Siegwerk, KURZ, Tesa, Baumer hhs, Apex Asia, Henkel, Miraclon, AV Flexologic dan lain-lain.

Untuk mengetahui lebih jelas Apa itu Bobst Connect dan sebagainya, redaksi telah mewawancarai Cyril RUIZ-MOISE, General Manager & Regional Business Director Asia

Pacific, dan Oweida Yasser, Director Service BOBST Asia Pacific. Berikut petikan wawancaranya ;

1. Apa itu Bobst Connect, dan bagaimana ia membentuk masa depan dunia pengemasan? Apa strategi BOBST untuk pertumbuhan pasar APAC?

Bobst Connect memungkinkan peningkatan produktivitas pelanggan secara keseluruhan melalui integrasi teknologi digital dalam peralatan Bobst. Peralatan kami terkenal karena memberikan produktivitas terbaik, tetapi Bobst Connect akan membawanya ke tingkat berikutnya. Bobst Connect adalah platform berbasis cloud dengan arsitektur terbuka yang diperkenalkan oleh BOBST, yang bertujuan untuk merevolusi industri pengemasan. Platform ini mengintegrasikan konektivitas, digitalisasi, otomatisasi, dan

keberlanjutan untuk mengatur seluruh proses produksi, dari pra-cetak hingga produk jadi, melalui aliran data yang efisien antara dunia digital dan fisik. APAC Bobst  Connect dapat membantu mengatasi berbagai tantangan regional yang dihadapi oleh pelanggan kami seperti:

- kesulitan menemukan tenaga kerja yang berbakat dan terampil => Bobst Connect akan mengotomatiskan banyak operasi manual pelaporan kinerja, dan lain-lain.

- kebutuhan untuk memenuhi target keberlanjutan => Bobst Connect akan memungkinkan kontrol yang lebih baik atas pengeluaran energi dengan mesin

- peningkatan operasi inti => Bobst Connect akan mendukung operasi untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik dari penggunaan perkakas mereka, meningkatkan kinerja dan umur

panjang mereka. Ini hanyalah beberapa dari kemungkinan. Kami bangga memiliki beberapa pabrik yang diinvestasikan di wilayah ini, yaitu 2 pabrik di India, dan 4

pabrik di Cina, yang menunjukkan bahwa BOBST memiliki keyakinan dalam pertumbuhan di wilayah tersebut dan fokus pada kedekatan dengan pasar lokal tidak hanya

untuk pengembangan produk tetapijuga layanan yang diberikan.....INFORMASI LEBIH LENGKAP, Baca Majalah Printpack Edisi 04/Juli-Agustus 2024 >>

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CPI builds sustainable growth with One complete solution from BOBST


PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia (CPI) Flexible Packaging has grown 10% each year since its inception in 2019, thanks to a strategic partnership with BOBST. A key contributor to this success is oneECG (Extended Color Gamut) technology, which enables CPI to produce high-quality flexible packaging with great consistency and high speed while also lowering costs and offering better sustainability. 

Located in Cikande, Serang, 50 km west of Jakarta, CPI Flexible Packaging was established primarily to serve the packaging needs of its parent company, the leading food manufacturer Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Group. The printing company specializes in producing laminated flexible packaging structures for frozen food, a sector that has witnessed significant growth in recent years.

Previously, CPI Group bought packaging from outside suppliers. However, a few years ago, it made the strategic decision to bring the entire production process in-house. In setting up the new printing business, the company chose to install a state-of-the-art BOBST CI flexo press with smartGPS (Graphic Positioning System) and oneECG technology, complemented by a 450m/min BOBST multi-technology laminator. This shift also involved the establishment of an in-house prepress team and platemaking facilities. Investing in this One complete solution set by BOBST was essential in developing the new flexible packaging activities with success.

In a market where gravure still dominates, the strategy was, in some ways, a gamble. “Our complete flexo solution from BOBST is a break with the gravure tradition in this region, but I’m proud to say that this new approach has paid off, without compromising on quality,” stated General Manager Ms. Junny Kumala. “CPI is still a relatively new company, but we have proven that flexo is a cost-effective and sustainable solution.”

Efficient operations through automation

CPI is leveraging its BOBST printing and laminating capabilities to deliver the flexibility, reliability, and fast turnaround its customers require. Ms. Kumala said, “Run lengths are getting shorter – some are ultra-short, just 3000 to 8000 meters per job – and customers want just-in-time delivery, with no buffer stock stored at their warehouses. Fortunately, with our BOBST setup, we can meet those demands with high-quality printed packaging delivered in just three days.”

BOBST’s smartGPS precision platemounting system has been one of the game-changers for CPI. This well-proven innovation eliminates operator interaction on press by automatically generating registration and impression settings offline, during the plate mounting stage.

“The various automation features on the BOBST flexo press aid our operators, speed up production, and increase productivity. Importantly, they also greatly reduce the resources needed for setup, so we save a lot of ink, materials, and energy,” Ms. Kumala stated.

She added, “We have also invested in BOBST’s Maintenance Plus program, which reduces unplanned downtime. It helps to create excellent habits of regular maintenance, making sure the machine is always in good condition, ready to produce the next job.”

Fixing the gamut with oneECG

As global pressures for more sustainable solutions intensify, printing companies are compelled to adopt innovative technologies that can help them cut down on waste and energy usage. However, the demand for high quality persists.

In response, CPI embraced BOBST’s oneECG technology, which optimizes color matching, making it consistent and repeatable. By digitalizing color matching, operator involvement is also minimized, meaning printers experience fewer color variations. All colors are printed with a fixed set of inks – CMYK alone or in combination with orange, green, and violet – eliminating the need for expensive spot colors and time-consuming changeovers.

“As well as reducing waste, we are seeing much faster makereadies and higher productivity with BOBST oneECG because the inks stay on the press. The color consistency is also very high, both across the print run and for repeat jobs – a crucial factor for brand owners,” explained Ms. Kumala. “Additionally, our in-house prepress facility, coupled with oneECG, has streamlined our digital job proofing processes, saving more valuable time.”

Looking ahead 

Nearly five years into CPI’s partnership with BOBST, Ms. Kumala noted, “I can safely say that our experience proves BOBST to be a trusted partner in high-quality flexible packaging through its timely service, consistent product quality, and continuous improvement. I would also like to extend my gratitude to the local team for their unwavering support.”

CPI envisions substantial growth in the dynamic flexible packaging market and is actively exploring future investments. Ms. Kumala concluded, “Packaging, especially in frozen food, is a promising market due to the increasing demand for easy and cost-effective meal options.” As CPI continues to thrive, its commitment to sustainability and innovation remains at the forefront of its initiatives.

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HP Indigo expands distribution in Indonesia with Rieckermann

HP Indigo has expanded its distribution network in Indonesia with machinery & industrial

solutions provider PT Rieckermann Indonesia for its Labels and Packaging segment. This

association aims to advance market leadership of HP Indigo in Indonesia’s digital industrial

printing market.

HP’s industrial print portfolio and Rieckermann’s market reach and deep customer trust will

help drive digital transformation in the packaging printing space. This is Rieckermann’s third

partnership with HP Indigo in Southeast Asia, with the company also being HP’s partner in

Malaysia and Vietnam for the distribution of its industrial printers. PT Samafitro will

continue to be a partner for HP’s Industrial Print business.

The partnership aims to introduce HP’s digitalized and automated Indigo printing presses in

Indonesia’s Labels and Packaging segment. This association will also boost Riekermann’s

solution offerings, enabling market penetration through high value packaging applications

and benefits of digital printing.

Mike Kim, General Manager – HP Industrial Print SEA & Korea, said: ‘Our partnership with

Rieckermann is aimed at increasing our market penetration by harnessing strong synergies

between the breadth of our digital packaging printing portfolio with the depth of

Rieckermann’s industry coverage. We are very excited to partner with Rieckermann

Indonesia to drive our Indigo printing solutions for Labels and Packaging segment.

Rieckermann’s reach, relationship, and deep understanding of the manufacturing sector in

Indonesia will help customers make a seamless transition to digital printing.’

Rieckermann provides a comprehensive portfolio of customized industrial solutions for a

range of international customers, focusing on Asia and the Middle East. They provide

expertise to various industries and specialize in process technologies – from single machines

to complete production lines and turnkey facilities.

Global trends in packaging printing show a move towards personalization, short-runs of

multiple SKUs, print-on-demand, sustainability, smart packaging, and automation, among

others. Through HP’s Indigo technology, packaging converters & printers can overcome

operational challenges and benefit from the trends to generate new revenue streams.



Ng Ngee Khiang-8894web

Mr. Ng Ngee Khiang, Managing Director Epson Indonesia Yang Baru

Jakarta, 09 Maret 2023 - Epson Indonesia, menunjuk Ng Ngee Khiang sebagai pemimpin dalam babak baru pada Fiscal Year kali ini. Jabatan baru Ngee Khiang tersebut telah efektif sejak tanggal 23 Februari 2023. Jabatan Managing Director Epson Indonesia sebelumnya diemban oleh Muto Yusuke.

Ng Ngee Khiang memiliki pengalaman 30 tahun di bidang Sales and Marketing khususnya di Epson Group. Di mana sebelum bergabung di Epson Indonesia, Ngee Khiang menjabat selama satu tahun sebagai Managing Director Epson Malaysia Sdn Bhd.

Karir Ng Ngee Khiang dimulai pada tahun 1986 sebagai Engineer di Singapura. Sejak itu, ia telah memegang berbagi peran di Singapura dan Negara Asia Tenggara lainnya.Sebelum perjalanannya di Epson Malaysia, Ngee Khiang telah memegang posisi-posisi komersil kepemimpinan di perjalanan karirnya di Epson Regional di Singapura.

Dalam peran barunya, Ngee Khiang akan bertanggung jawab untuk memimpin operasional dan mengembangkan ekspansi bisnis dan market Epson Indonesia, serta melanjutkan target market agar lebih meningkat dari Fiscal Year sebelumnya.Ngee Khiang akan membawa pengalamannya selama bertahun-tahun dan la memiliki pengetahuan yang luas dalam membangun market bisnis di negara sebelumnya. Kami yakin ia akan melanjutkan pengembangan yang kuat bagi Epson khususnya Epson Indonesia," kata Siew Jin Kiat, Regional Managing Director dalam keterangannya.

Dalam bekerja sebagai Managing Director Epson Indonesia, Ng Ngee Khiang juga akan berperan untuk mampu mempercepat pertumbuhan perusahaan Epson di pasar Indonesia, serta bertanggung jawab dalam mendorong terciptanya strategi-strategi guna mendukung solusi tekonologi end-to-end kepada Distributor, Partner, dan Pelanggan baik berupa layanan, teknologi, maupun solusi kelas bisnis yang mencakup di berbagai wilayah bidang industry.

'Saya bangga dan merasa terhormat atas penunjukan saya pada posisi baru ini dan hal ini merupakan pernyataan atas komitmen saya untuk membawa perusahaan dapat meraih pertumbuhan sekaligus dapat mengajak pelanggan dan mitra Epson untuk dapat melihat peluang bisnis. Saya harap, saya dan Epson Indonesia dapat bersama - sama memberikan solusi terbaik dan juga manfaat baik bagi para konsumen ataupun masyarakat Indonesia," Ujar Ng Ngee Khiang.**

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 Epson Luncurkan Model Surecolor Baru Dengan Opsi Tinta Warna Yang Beragam, Tingkatkan Standar Untuk Printer Sublimasi Pewarna Digital

Jakarta, 4 Maret 2023 - Epson, pemimpin pasar dalam printer digital dye-sublimation hari ini mengumumkan dua model baru, SureColor SC-F6430 (model 4 warna) dan SC-F6430H (model 6 warna).

Melanjutkan kesuksesan model pendahulunya, Epson melakukan peningkatan lebih lanjut dengan melengkapinya dengan Printhead PrecisionCore MicroTFP dan Sistem Tinta Terintegrasi yang terbaru. Ini adalah solusi kinerja tertinggi terbaru dari Epson untuk perusahaan tekstil produksi kecil hingga menengah yang ingin menghasilkan gambar berkualitas tinggi dengan cepat dan efisien untuk barang-barang promosi dan pribadi, pakaian olahraga, dekorasi rumah, signage lembut, dan banyak lagi.

Peningkatan Produktivitas

Printer baru ini dilengkapi dengan printhead PrecisionCore MicroTFP, yang membuat produktivitas lebih tinggi berkat peningkatan lebar printhead, dari 1 inci menjadi 1, 33 inci, membuat SureColor SC-F6430 dapat mencetak 20% lebih cepat dari pendahulunya. Unit Auto Take-up Reel juga mengurangi penyesuaian manual yang tidak dibutuhkan dan membuat pencetakan yang lebih mudah dari sebelumnya bagi pengguna.SureColor SC-F6430 dan SC-F6430H juga memiliki pemasangan dan penggantian paket tinta yang mudah, karena pengguna tidak perlu menuangkan tinta ke dalam tangki tinta. Pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan printer SureColor yang baru juga telah disederhanakan – pengguna kini dapat dengan mudah melepas paket tinta dan mengguncangkannya saat dibutuhkan, yang menghemat waktu bagi pengguna. Pemasangan dan isi ulang tinta untuk SureColor SC-F6430 dan SureColor SC-F6430H kini lebih mudah dan bersih dari sebelumnya.Pilihan Warna yang Disempurnakan dengan Kualitas Gambar Tinggi

Dengan peluncuran SureColor SC-F6430H, pengguna dapat menambah peluang bisnis mereka dengan menambahkan satu set dua warna tambahan ke palet mereka, dari daftar tiga set warna yang diperluas. Set warna adalah, fluorescent pink dan fluorescent yellow, oranye dan violet dan light cyan dan light magenta.



Fluorescent pink dan fluorescent yellow,

Memperluas area Kuning, Hijau, dan Magenta pada gamut warna. Cocok untuk soft signage, pakaian olahraga, pakaian fashion.

Light Cyan dan light magenta:

Menghasilkan graininess yang lebih rendah untuk menghasilkan gradasi yang lebih baik. Cocok untuk papan soft signage, cetakan animasi, dan print foto pada permukaan yang keras.

Oranye dan Violet,

Memperluas area jingga dan violet pada gamut warna. Cocok untuk kaus olahraga dan pakaian fashion & pakaian renang.

“Model SureColor baru ini dilengkapi dengan fungsionalitas unik dirancang untuk menghadirkan solusi pencetakan sublimasi pewarna yang andal, cepat dan berkinerja tinggi bagi pelanggan kami. Dengan pangsa pasar yang tinggi Epson terus  berupaya meningkatkan produk kami dalam hal produktivitas dan menawarkan desain yang ramah operasional untuk meingkatkan waktu penyelesaian produksi.

“Saya yakin SureColor SC-F6430/H dapat membuka peluang di pasar dye-sub untuk perusahaan produksi tekstil skala kecil, hingga menengah. Menghadirkan sentuhan untuk Epson pada aplikasi seperti barang promosi dan personalisasi, pakaian olahraga, dekorasi rumah, soft  signage  dan banyak lagi.” kata Lina Mariani selaku Senior Manager Vertical Business PT Epson Indonesia. “Epson kini telah disertifikasi sebagai merek printer tekstil teratas, dan kami akan terus mencapai tingkat yang lebih tinggi dengan terus berinovasi dan menciptakan solusi yang paling efisien.” ujarnya pula.

Printer Epson SureColor SC-F6430 dan SC-F6430H akan tersedia untuk dijual di wilayah Indonesia mulai 2 Maret 2023, informasi produk ini dapat dijumpai pula pada pameran Indonesia Apparel Production Expo yang dilaksanakan di Diamond Convention Center - Solo, mulai tanggal 2-4 Maret 2023. Kunjungi www.epson.co.id atau hubungi Dealer Resmi Epson terdekat untuk informasi lebih lanjut.



Epson Indonesia menggelar Media Gathering 2023 selama tiga hari (23-25/2) di Yogyakarta. Acara Media  Gathering di gelar secara rutin setiap tahun guna mempererat sinergi antara Epson dengan Media.

Kegiatan yang mengusung tema “Chase The Dream” diikuti media dari berbagai daerah di seluruh Indonesia. Dalam kesempatan tersebut Epson juga memberikan apresiasi kepada sejumah media yang telah berkontribusi, ada dua kategori yang diberikan yaitu media cetak dan media online.

Riswin lie selaku Head of Marketing Divison dalam paparan presentasinya  mengatakan pertumbuhan Epson Indonesia enam tahun terakhir mengalami kenaikan yang signifikan. “Selama enam tahun terakhir Epson mengalami pertumbuhan sekitar 19%, produk printer masih yang terbesar memberikan kontribusi sekitar 77,1%, selebihnya diikuti oleh produk Epson lainnya.

Husni Nurdin selaku Head of Corporate Service dalam sambutannya menceritakan awal Epson masuk Indonesia pada 1 Oktober 2000 saat itu Epson berkantor di Kyoei Prince Building, jakarta dengan jumlah karyawan 12 orang, seiring berjalannya waktu dan pertumbuhan bisnis Epson yang semakin berkembang kini Epson berkantor di Cibis Bussines Park, Simatupang, Jakarta dengan jumlah karyawan 204 orang.

Menurut Nolly Dhanurendra selaku Head of Brand & Communication PT Epson Indonesia,  pertumbuhan bisnis Epson tidak lepas dari dukungan dan peran serta media dalam mengkomunikasikan dan mempublikasikan produk Epson secara positif kepada khalayak.

“Kegiatan Media Gathering ini sebagai bentuk apresiasi dan ucapan terima kasih kami kepada media yang telah berkontribusi serta mendukung dengan pemberitaan yang positif” ujar Nolly. Epson juga mengumumkan fokus mereka pada pengembangan ekosistem yang berkelanjutan atau sustainable. Dalam hal ini, Epson memperkenalkan teknologi Heat Free untuk pencetakan yang mengurangi proses panas pada pencetakan. Teknologi ini akan menghasilkan produk yang lebih rendah emisi dan lebih hemat daya.

Selain itu, Epson juga memperkenalkan produk Paperlab, yaitu mesin daur ulang kertas dengan teknologi DryFiber yang tidak membutuhkan air pada proses daur ulang kertas. Dengan begitu, proses daur ulang kertas tidak menghasilkan limbah baru. Epson juga mengumumkan penghentian penjualan dan distribusi printer Laser Jet di Asia Tenggara. Epson menggantikannya dengan printer Inkjet yang dianggap lebih cocok untuk konsep keberlanjutan. Epson juga bekerja sama dengan organisasi nirlaba seperti WWF untuk melakukan rehabilitasi terumbu karang. Selain itu Epson juga hadir ke sekolah-sekolah untuk memberikan edukasi terkait perhatiannya terhadap lingkungan, serta mengajak siswa dan komunitas untuk melakukan penanaman bibit Mangrove.**

“Unveil The Stunning Performance” Epson Indonesia Hadirkan Proyektor Kekinian Mulia Harga Belasan Juta Hingga Miliaran...

Jakarta, 19 Januari 2023– Selain berfungsi sebagai penunjang kegiatan bisnis maupun pendidikan dan hiburan sebagai media presentasi, proyektor dapat dijadikan sebagai alat sarana hiburan menonton yang mampu menciptakan suasana bioskop ke dalam rumah. Terlebih lagi, beberapa produsen Proyektor ternama juga menawarkan berbagai varian produk proyektor yang dibedakan menjadi dua segmen yaitu Proyektor Home Cinemadan Proyektor Bisnis dengan berbagai fitur unggulan terkini.

Epson Indonesia sebagai salah satu produsen Proyektor terbesar di Indonesia, terus melakukan inovasi pada setiap perkembangan jajaran Home Cinemadan Proyektor Bisnis. Bahkan diantaranya memiliki desain yang tergolong cukup ringkas dengan kualitas warna gambar yang sangat cerah, tajam dan ramah lingkungan. 

Terdapat beberapa model proyektor yang ditampilkan, yang memiliki fitur- fitur yang mutakhir pada setiap produknya seperti memiliki kecanggihan tampilan dan kemudahan instalasi serta rasio gambar yang lebih besar dengan tingkat ketajaman gambar yang tinggi. Dengan beragam pilihan kecerahan, mulai dari 6.000 lumens sampai dengan 20.000 lumens dan dengan kombinasi teknologi 3LCD serta resolusi yang tajam. Adapun produk yang ditampilkan, PU Series EB-PU2216B, EB-PU1008B, EB-PU2213B, EH-LS300B, dan EH-LS12000B dan Streaming Media Player CO-FH02 yang semakin memperkuat posisi Epson sebagai pemimpin pasar proyektor di Indonesia dengan kualitas yang baik.

Zanipar SA Siadari selaku Head of Product Marketing, Visual Instrument and Business Inkjet PrinterPT Epson Indonesia mengatakan bahwa Epson akan terus melakukan inovasi di setiap produk yang dipasarkan khusunya proyektor. Hal ini menjadi penghubung dan solusi bagi manusia untuk setiap aktivitas dan secara efektif, efisien dan tepat sasaran. 

"Kami juga selalu ingin memastikan bahwa produk-produk Epson hadir dengan penggunaan hemat energi dan juga ramah lingkungan, harapan saya dengan hadirnya reviewrangkaian proyektor ini dapat menjadi solusi yang memudahkan kegiatan dan memberikan informasi yang lebih mendalam kepada rekan-rekan media dan masyarakat umum akan solusi dan fitur terbaik dari proyektor Epson.” Ujarnya. 







Segmen Perkantoran / Bisnis 

Pasca pandemic Covid-19, hampir seluruh segmentasi bisnis mengubah gaya kegiatan bekerja secara mudah dan efisien. Dengan line-up pada kategori PU series, yakni EB-PU2220B, EB-PU2213B, EB-PU1008B, EB-PU1006W, dan EB-PU1007W. Pada kategori proyektor ini dapat di aplikasikan di ruangan besar seperti ballroom, aula, dan ruang meeting besar dengan proyeksi hingga 1.000 inci serta visibilitas yang jelas dengan ketajaman 6.000 – 20.000 lumens. Didukung dengan kecanggihan kombinasi teknologi 3LCD, resolusi 4K enhancementdan sumber cahaya laser yang memiliki kontras rasio yang sangat tinggi, proyektor ini dapat menampilkan gambar yang sangat tajam namun tetap nyaman di mata setiap orang yang melihat.

Pada instalasi pemasangan Proyektor Epson EB-PU series ini memiliki ukuran yang compact, bahkan untuk seri EB-PU2200B merupakan proyektor dengan kecerahan 20.000 lumens yang paling kecil dan paling ringan di dunia, sehingga memberikan kemudahan dan tidak membutuhkan orang yang banyak selama proses pemasangan proyektor.

Proyektor Epson EB-PU Series ini bukan hanya menawarkan kecanggihan tampilan dan kemudahan instalasi, namun juga ramah lingkungan. EB-PU series ini menggunakan sumber cahaya laser, memberikan umur penggunaan 20.000 jam. Selama 20.000 jam penggunaan ini sangat minim perawatan yang dibutuhkan, bahkan tidak perlu adanya penggantian lampu mercury yang akan menjadi limbah dan juga tidak perlu adanya tenaga ahli, sehingga pengguna juga dapat menghemat biaya. Selain itu walau dengan tampilan yang besar, jika dibandingkan penggunaan panel LED, proyektor ini menggunakan daya yang jauh lebih sedikit, mendukung konsep hemat energi.

Selanjutnya pada line-up kedua pada jajaran EB series, Epson menampilkan seri yang termasuk ke dalam kategori Edge Blendingyaitu EB-PU2010B. Laser 10.000 lumens yang dipasangkan dengan lensa jarak dekat ELPLU03S merupakan instalasi yang digunakan untuk kebutuhan khusus seperti; video mapping, digital gallery, dan instalasi command centeratau ruangan besar yang membutuhkan gambar dengan format wide. 

Pada kategori ini terdapat fitur bawaan yang didukung oleh perangkat lunak (software) Epson yakni Epson Throw Distance Calculator merupakan identifikasi kecocokan lensa tehadap jenis proyektor. Pada aplikasi tersebut akan menampilkan data detail seperti seberapa jauh proyektor akan diletakkan dari bidang tembak, seberapa besar area proyeksi yang akan dihasilkan, hingga estimasi besaran lux on screen yang akan ditampilkan. Sedangkan, Epson Professional Tools, dimana software ini dapat digunakan secara gratis untuk pengaturan secara jarak jauh untuk sampai dengan 1.000 proyektor yang terhubung dalam jaringan yang sama dalam waktu yang bersamaan, seperti melakukan pengaturan posisi lens shift, fokus lensa, hingga pengaturan edge blending

Dengan adanya software ini tentunya akan sangat memudahkan penginstalan, pemasangan proyektor seperti ini biasa diletakkan di tempat tinggi atau sulit digapai untuk diatur secara manual. Tidak berhenti di proses instalasi, epson juga memiliki software untuk operasional dan monitoring proyektor yang telah dipasang, yaitu Epson Projector Management Software. Di dalam softwareini, akan terlihat beberapa status pada proyektor, seperti status proyektor sedang dalam posisi nyala atau mati, suhu perangkat proyektor, jumlah jam operasional proyektor, hinggatroubleshoot.


Segmen Hiburan

Pada segmen hiburan terdapat 2 (dua) area yang ditampilkan yakni Home Living Roomdan Home Entertainmentyaitu proyektor ultra short throw tipe EH-LS300B dengan layar ELPSC35 untuk seri Home Living Roomdan EH-LS12000B untuk seri Home Entertainment.

Dipadukan dengan desain yang elegan, proyektor pada segemen Home Living Roomini  memberikan daya tarik tersendiri jika diletakan di ruang keluarga seri EH-LS300B menggunakan lensa bertipe ultra short throwsehigga peletakkan unitnya tidak perlu jauh dari layar yang membuat anda tidak perlu khawatir lagi akan terkena silau pada cahaya proyektor saat dekat dengan proyektor. 

Proyektor EH-LS300B ini dapat menghasilkan gambar hingga 120 inch. Dengan kecerahan tinggi 3.800 lumens dan resolusi Full HD serta rasio kontras warna yang tinggi dari sumber cahaya laser yang digunakan, proyektor ini mampu menghasilkan gambar yang jelas dan tajam, meski di dalam ruang yang terang. Ditambah dengan penggunaan Ambience Light Rejecting ScreenEpson ELPSC35, gambar yang ditampilkan akan lebih maksimal, karena khusus desain tersebut dibuat untuk dapat menghalang cahaya lampu yang datang dari atas, dan hanya fokus pada cahaya dari bawah yang datang dari proyektor.

Proyektor ini termasuk ke dalam proyektor ramah lingkungan dengan teknologi hemat listrik karena telah dilengkapi oleh sensor pendeteksi gerak yang secara otomatis dapat mematikan layar dan memberikan pesan peringatan jika terdapat sesuatu yang menghalangi atau berada di depan cahaya proyektor. 

Tak hanya itu, proyektor tipe EH-LS300B telah dilengkapi dengan system operasi Android TV, sehingga memudahkan pengguna jika ingin memutar film ataupun mengakses channel unggulan seperti Netflix, YouTube secara langsung danpengguna dimanjakan dengan kualitas audio yang tinggi. Proyektor ini juga dilengkapi oleh speaker stereodan wooferdari Yamaha sehingga para pengguna tak perlu menambahkan perngkat audio tambahan. 

Pada segmen Home Entertainment,tipe EH-LS12000B merupakan instalasi proyektor laser 4K yang dapat menawarkan pengalaman menonton yang luar biasa bagi para penggunanya, resolusi gambar 4K dan kontras rasio yang tinggi 2.500.000:1 menghasilkan gambar yang sangat tajam. Terlebih dengan teknologi 3LCD yang digunakan, warna yang ditampilkan pada proyektor terlihat lebih natural. Selain itu proyektor ini memiliki fitur frame interpilation yang membuat setiap gambar yang ditampilkan terlihat lebih halus.

Proyektor EH-LS12000B ini memiliki kecerahan 2.700 lumens, serta dilengkapi dengan fitur HDR10+, membuat kecerahan gambar yang dihasilkan maksimal dan terlihat lebih jelas.

Proyektor ini memiliki lifetime yang panjang 20.000 jam, yang selama penggunaan hanya memerlukan perawatan yang minim seperti pembersihan filter udara proyektor sehingga membrikan keuntungan hemat investasi bagi para pengguna.







Streaming Media Player: CO-FH02

Di line-up berikutnya Epson memiliki proyektor yang praktis dan mudah dibawa serta dapat digunakan untuk kebutuhan bisnis maupun entertainmentProyektor Cerdas Full HD ini dirancang untuk memberikan penggunaan yang mudah bagi konsumen dan bisnis yang aktivitas dan operasinya dilakukan di berbagai lingkungan.

Memberikan kemudahan dan fleksibilitas dalam paket all-in-one, presentasi gambar berkualitas tinggi dapat disampaikan di mana saja dan kapan saja.

“CO-FH02 adalah Full HD Smart Projector all-in-one terbaru Epson yang menawarkan fungsi serbaguna yang luar biasa dalam berbagai penggunaan untuk bisnis dan konsumen atau pengguna. Produk ini sudah hadir di Indonesia, dan cukup memiliki minat yang bagus di pasar Indonesia” ujar Zanipar. 

Epson CO-FH02 menawarkan kecerahan 3.000 lumens dan resolusi Full HD/1080P yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk melakukan presentasi dengan jelas dan lebih nyata.

Proyektor baru ini akan meningkatkan pengalaman sinematik streaming film dan hiburan lainnya di rumah yang ditunjang dengan audio visual yang juga cocok untuk memfasilitasi pertemuan bisnis, presentasi, dan diskusi di dalam maupun di luar kantor.

Secara keseluruhan, review pada produk Proyektor Epson Indonesia diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi secara rinci mengenai produk proyektor, terlebih lagi pada kelengkapan fitur pada setiap produknya, spesifikasi dan teknologi yang ditawarkan pada setiap solusi. Epson Indonesia percaya, bahwa pada setiap solusi yang dipaparkan memiliki kualitas yang mampu bersaing di pasar Indonesia. 




NICO VALIANI, CEO VALIANI Digital Cutting Flatbed Hadir di Indonesia saat Grand Launching Valiani Omnia 100 di Aneka Warna Jakarta, 10-11 Januari 2023

Epson Mendefinisikan Tujuan Perusahaannya

INDONESIA, 12 Desember 2022 Seiko Epson Corporation telah mendefinisikan Tujuan Perusahaan dari Epson Group ("Epson").


Pernyataan Tujuan Perusahaan mengartikulasikan jenis nilai yang ditawarkan Epson kepada dunia, alasan unik keberadaan perusahaan sebagai dasar utamanya.

Inovasi efisien, ringkas, dan presisi yang diupayakan Epson melampaui teknologi. Ini mencakup filosofi untuk menghilangkan limbah, mengurangi dimensi, dan meningkatkan presisi, sebuah pendekatan yang dapat menciptakan nilai sosial yang lebih besar.

Tujuan perusahaan tidak dapat diwujudkan oleh karyawan Epson saja. Pelanggan, mitra, dan masyarakat harus berempati dan berbagi tujuan kami.Epson berusaha untuk berkontribusi pada pelestarian lingkungan dan pengembangan budaya dan untuk memperkaya kehidupan dan menciptakan dunia yang lebih baik. 


Presiden global Epson Yasunori Ogawa mengatakan, "Kami di Epson menandai tahun ke-80 kami dalam bisnis pada bulan Mei tahun ini. Kami selalu melatih kreativitas dan menantang diri kami sendiri untuk memberikan produk dan layanan yang melebihi harapan pelanggan kami dengan memanfaatkan teknologi yang efisien, kompak, dan tepat yang telah kami kembangkan sejak perusahaan didirikan. Kami akan terus mematuhi filosofi unik Epson tentang inovasi yang efisien, ringkas, dan tepat, memanfaatkan nilai luar biasa yang dihasilkan inovasi tersebut untuk mengatasi masalah lingkungan global dan masalah sosial lainnya, dan bekerja sama untuk menciptakan planet yang lebih baik dan memperkaya kehidupan masyarakat."

Epson bermaksud untuk terus berkolaborasi dengan pelanggan dan mitranya untuk memecahkan masalah sosial dan untuk memperkaya kehidupan dan menciptakan dunia yang lebih baik.


Indonesia's Packaging Industry Ready To Follow The Largest Exhibition In The World Held In Germany In 2023

JAKARTA - The Indonesian packaging industry, which is part of the Indonesian Packaging Federation (IPF), is preparing to participate in the world's largest exhibition for the 2023 Interpack packaging industry in Germany.

"The preparations are various, especially at the exhibition is how to find networks, so that there is cooperation in the material sector or others," said IPF Executive Director Henky Wibawa in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, November 25.In addition to building a network, Henky said that in the leading exhibition, packaging industry players also need to prepare themselves to absorb the latest technology used in the industry.

"Another important thing is technology, how can we use technology to be more efficient in running a packaging business," said Henky.

On that occasion, Henky also raised the issue of a sustainable packaging industry, which is related to replacing traditional packaging with sophisticated packaging that has a longer shelf life and increasing sustainability.

" Packaging can support responsible consumption and production by enabling efficient use of resources and minimizing waste," said Henky.

It is known, ahead of the 2023 Interpack exhibition, the organizers, Messe D\"usseldorf, conducted a roadshow, among others, to Indonesia to socialize the holding of an interpack exhibition.

The three-year exhibition, which was supposed to be held in 2020, was forced to be absent during the COVID-19 pandemic. The event was held on May 4-10, 2023.

Project Director Interpack Messe D\"usseldorf Thomas Dohse said world packaging industry players are looking forward to the Interpack exhibition. Therefore, since long ago the entire area at the Interpack exhibition has been sold out.

"The top supplier countries and other countries can't wait to present their innovative solutions at Interpack 2023. Recent solutions and technologies that will greatly affect packaging trends throughout the industrial sector," said Thomas.

Around 2,700 exhibitors from around the world will present leading technology and packaging trends from across the value chain.

After six years and being forced to miss out during the pandemic, it means there are many new developments in the market.

Although there are still a year left before the event, Interpack has been ordered to occupy all exhibition areas. Interested companies can still register to enter the waiting list and thus have the opportunity to take part in the exhibition.

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Investasi Ketiga Oleh Konverter Indonesia di BOBST Gravure Press dan Laminator 

Ketika gelombang transformasi industri pengemasan global telah menyoroti keuntungan berlipat ganda bagi para

konverter kemasan fleksibel untuk mengadopsi peralatan terintegrasi dan solusi proses, bagi beberapa konverter

berpandangan jauh ke depan hal ini telah menjadi strategi pemenang untuk beberapa waktu disaat ini


Sejak 2009, salah satu konverter kemasan fleksibel utama di Indonesia telah berulang kali berinvestasi dalam paket

mesin cetak dan laminating berkinerja tinggi yang merupakan salah satu paket penawaran BOBST One complete

solution. Pemasangan terbaru mesin cetak gravure RS 5003 dan laminator multi-teknologi NOVA DA 800 yang telah

selesai sejak awal tahun 2022 ini segera diikuti oleh pesanan berulang dua bulan kemudian, dimana pemesanan

terbesebut dijawalkan terkirim pada akhir 2022.

Mengomentari instalasi terbaru ini, Antonius Koban, Sales Manager Indonesia, Bobst Jakarta, mengatakan: "Sebagai

produsen mesin yang menawarkan solusi kemasan fleksibel end-to-end, BOBST dapat melangkah lebih jauh dalam

memberikan solusi bagi konverter, seperti pencetakan rotogravure atau CI flexo dan laminasi. Hal ini memungkinkan

alur kerja produksi yang paling efisien dengan memaksimalkan kualitas, operasional berkelanjutan, produktivitas, dan

penerimaan di pasar yang beritegerasi secara sempurna dari satu sumber sehingga mengurangi risiko rusaknya

kemasan yang dibuat.”

Keuntungan lebih lanjutpun didapat dari pertukaran troli antara mesin dengan lebar web yang sama dan dari semua

peralatan dengan berbagi HMI yang sama dengan gaya dan kegunaan yang sama. Hal ini memungkinkan untuk

mempercepat proses pelatihan operator dan membawa mesin pada kinerja yang optimal dan lebih cepat disetiap

instalasi mesin mesin baru.

juara 3
Circular CI flexo printing webinar

 Flint Group, one of the largest consumable suppliers to the global packaging

and print industry, reveals the details of its upcoming webinar focused on Circular Central

Impression (CI) Flexographic Printing.

October 2022:  Flint Group, one of the largest consumable suppliers to the global packaging and print industry, reveals the details of its upcoming webinar focused on Circular Central Impression (CI) Flexographic Printing.
This free webinar will take place on Thursday, the 1st of December 2022. The event features an experienced panel of speakers who will discuss the technologies available for today’s printers and converters who seek circular and sustainable packaging. 
As well as the next generation of press machinery, plates, and sleeves, the webinar highlights Flint Group’s ONECode range of solvent-based inks and varnishes for flexible package printing. The range includes products formulated to enhance performance in flexible package printing as well as next-generation inks such as the Cradle-to-Cradle® certified ZenCode.
With expert representation from key parts of the flexographic supply chain, the webinar aims to better prepare converters to meet today’s sustainability goals. Topics include current challenges in low-carbon flexographic printing, the use of de-inking to create circular
packaging, the latest technology in printing plates and long-life sleeves, plus the role of machinery & equipment in minimising waste.
Stephen Butler, European Flexible Packaging Product Manager, Flint Group, said: “We are delighted to welcome guests to our CI Flexo webinar focused on sustainability. Staying competitive is an immense juggling act for printers and converters. The pressure to deliver
quality, speed, and precision remains critical. In addition to that, boosting efficiency, reducing waste, and designing for recycling is more vital than ever before.
“Alongside our partners at XSYS and Windmöller & Hölscher, we are proud to be a key contributor to this event, exhibiting how we can provide sustainable options to deliver a true competitive advantage. On the 1st of December, we look forward to engaging with delegates
from across the industry with this enlightening event.”




Layout Sriwijaya SwarnaDwipa17922

registrasi webinar klik link ..https://www.bobst.com/iden/ms/webinar-experience-automated-production-in-action


Tour Bangkok22
Jepang 04

Nam Viet invests in BOBST MASTER M5X

to improve flexo operation


Mex, Switzerland, 14thJune 2022

The Vietnamese printing specialist has chosen to change its business strategy and initiate a new partnership with BOBST. The installation of the MASTER M5X press is already helping to ensure higher, more reliable print quality, faster turnaround, and lower waste, as Nam Viet leverages the distinct advantages of BOBST inline flexo technology.


Nam Viet Barcode Service Trading Production Corporation (Nam Viet) was founded in 2008 as a supplier of barcode printing materials for the industrial and non-industrial sectors. Over the years, the company has sought out continuous innovation and, in the process, created a strong reputation for high-quality products and excellent service. 


Today, Nam Viet occupies a modern manufacturing plant covering 4000 sqm, in Ho Chi Minh City, where more than 100 staff are employed in the production of labels, decals, stamps and seals in rolls or sheets for brand owners and other customers in the pharmaceutical, health care, cosmetics, agricultural, chemicals, home care, cleaning, electronics and food sectors. A branch in Cambodia, Navica Trading Thermal Transfer Ribbon Company Limited, was successfully established in 2013 to exploit potential new markets and for distribution purposes.   

The company is highly experienced in flexo printing, but the Nam Viet team was finding it difficult to maintain fast and reliable production with their existing equipment. Looking to eliminate problems with poor registration, excessive waste in setup and slow printing speeds, the management team, which is headed up by General Director Mr Tran Hoai Nhan, started to investigate the market. 


The BOBST MASTER M5 with its promise of exceptionally high levels of automation and digitalization soon attracted their attention. During a visit to Labelexpo Thailand, they were able to see the machine in action. This confirmed their initial impression and soon the decision to invest in an M5X model inline flexo press was made.


“Even before we had the live demo at the exhibition, we had very high hopes that the MASTER M5 would be the solution to our challenges,” said Mr Nhan. “During the Labelexpo show, we were able to ascertain that this was very likely to be the case, and now that the machine is up and running, we have the final proof.”


Automation is the answer to staffing issues


Machine reliability and ease of use are essential demands of any flexo press in label production today, as many printers struggle to find enough skilled staff to run the machines. At the same time, brand owners are demanding faster delivery, reduced waste and lower costs, while print quality must be high and repeatability must be guaranteed.


By automating many functions and thereby making machines very operator-friendly, BOBST delivers printing technology that enable their customers to cope with these conflicting requirements. The MASTER M5X inline flexo press is a brilliant example of how a fixed configuration can provide the quality, robustness and cost-effectiveness needed to fully exploit the market potential and deliver exceptional print results. It runs at speeds of up to 200 m/min printing on unlimited substrates, including self-adhesives (paper, PET, BOPP, PVC), unsupported film (PVC, BOPP, PET, and PA), alu-foil, lami-tubes, and light cartonboard, giving Nam Viet great flexibility and new opportunities to expand their offering.


In addition, automatic pre-register setting and ARC print-to-cylinder register control are included on the M5X for outstanding print quality. These innovations offer a high level of convenience for operators which translates into faster changeovers and therefore less press idle time, as well as creating lower waste in setup.


“We wanted to increase product quality with accurate colors and registration for all our customers, and at the same time reduce waste for better sustainability and higher profitability,” said Mr Nhan. “Our biggest challenge has been the team of workers and the lack of operator efficiency; and we knew that automation would be the answer to many of these problems. Our priority was to reduce downtime and maximize productivity on the machine and the BOBST machine gives us that.”


Nguyen Van Minh, who as Sales Manager for Bobst Vietnam is working with the customer, commented, “The MASTER M5X is quite simply the perfect machine for Nam Viet. Not only does it automate many functions as standard, making it much simpler to operate, but it is also future-proofed by the fact that BOBST DigiFlexo automation and oneECG fixed gamut printing can be added later on for even higher productivity and profitability.”


Investing for future growth


For any manufacturer, the decision to start a relationship with a different supplier and invest in new technology is momentous, but Mr Nhanhas no doubt that they picked the ideal partner. He said, “BOBST has certainly been the right choice for our current situation, both in terms of the technology and the after-sales service. The press has not disappointed and the reassurance that BOBST has a local technical team gives us peace of mind – it very much contributed to the final decision.” 


He concluded, “As an important part of our future strategy, the BOBST MASTER M5X will contribute to stabilizing the quality of our products, as well as the overall production plan. Moreover, it will bring real confidence for our customers when they visit and work with us.” 


Frédérick Couton, Technology Sales Manager, Narrow Web, Bobst Southeast Asia Pacific, commented, “It is always very satisfying to help a leading printing company tackle any problems in production and to the witness positive results. With the MASTER M5X on their production floor, Nam Viet can now proceed with their ambitious plans as they enjoy all the benefits that this innovative BOBST technology brings to the table.” 




NAM VIET_01: (From left to right) 

Mr Nguyen Quang Sang - production manager of Nam Viet 

Mr Nguyen Van Minh- Sales manager, BVN 

Mr Frederick Couton - Technology Sales Manager, Narrow web, South East Asia Pacific 

Mr Tran Hoai Nhan - director of Nam Viet 



BOBST MASTER M5X helps improve flexo operation of Nam Viet 


NAM VIET_ 03:(From left to right)

Mr. Tran Hoai Nhan - director of Nam Viet 
Mr. Nguyen Quang Sang - production manager of Nam Viet



Manager industrial engineer using laptop check and control autom
Press conference June 8th 2022_105566




BOBST Connect is ready to launch, giving users a full overview and control of their packaging production 

Mex, Switzerland, 30 June 2022



BOBST Connect is ready to launch, giving users a full overview and control of their packaging production


BOBST has announced the launch of the first subscription plan of BOBST Connect, the user-centric platform which connects converters and brand owners to a digitalized and automated workflow, giving them clear visibility and control of the production process. 


The new package – BOBST Connect Essential – is available from 01 July 2022 and offers a host of features and functionalities to help customers optimize their packaging production at every stage. By linking different steps of the process, BOBST Connect improves efficiency, control, and data knowledge, driving quality and productivity across the value chain.


BOBST Connect Essential includes an end-to-end digital solution, a powerful set of data and digital tools together in one fully connected platform and puts the power and knowledge of BOBST at the fingertips of its users. As a live platform, it will continually evolve to include new functionalities, new machines and more machine data. BOBST Connect can link directly to customers’ existing systems and platforms and integrates with third party cloud-based applications across the value chain, making the experience seamless. In terms of security, BOBST Connect is hosted in a fully secure, ISO 27001-certified environment,providing complete reassurance of data security and privacy


“In today’s packaging environment, data has become king, and can provide a significant competitive advantage,” said Léonard Badet, Chief Technology Officer. “BOBST Connect helps customers to take advantage of the wealth of data produced by their machines,providing the insights and range of solutions that can unlock advances in efficiency, quality, and productivity.”


Features and functionalities


The first solution package, BOBST Connect Essential, offers a host of features and functionality to help users optimize their packaging production at every stage. These include: 


·      Accurate performance data:Through BOBST Connect, users can see a quick view of machine status and health, machine error alerts and current production performance. It can inform users how different aspects of OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) are impacting production and help to identify and eliminate losses. 

·      Progress indicators:BOBST Connect highlights the difference between estimated and actual finishing times for each job, enabling operators and plant managers to intervene in a job quickly and at the right time.

·      Reporting:BOBST Connect delivers live and interactive reports, which can be used to identify, review and track trends. The reports show reasons for machine downtime.

·      High priority remote assistance:BOBST Connect enables remote connection to customer’s machine. This service allows customers to have access to augmented reality video streaming with BOBST Technical Services Specialists for quicker trouble shooting and issue solving. It is estimated that around 80% of electrical issues can be solved directly on-line. By using video streaming, problem solving can be extended to clarify mechanical issues, too. Through BOBST Connect, technical support can quickly diagnose problems based on historical and real-time data.


BOBST Connect is an integral part of the BOBST vision to shape the future of the packaging world based on four cornerstones – connectivity, digitalization, automation and sustainability. 


“At BOBST, we are helping to connect our customers to a digitized and automated workflow, while at the same time providing best-in-class machines and a great service experience,” said Raphael Indermühle, Head of Business Unit Services & Performance. “BOBST Connect achieves all this and puts our customers fully in control of their own production process. What’s more, BOBST Connect will continually evolve as new solutions are added, meaning the potential competitive advantage will simply continue to grow.” 





We are one of the world’s leading suppliers of substrate processing, printing and converting equipment and services for the label, flexible packaging, folding carton and corrugated board industries. 


Founded in 1890 by Joseph Bobst in Lausanne, Switzerland, BOBST has a presence in more than 50 countries, runs 19 production facilities in 11 countries and employs more than 5800 people around the world. The firm recorded a consolidated turnover of CHF 1.563 billion for the year ended December 31, 2021.



Press contact:


Tel.: +49 211 58 58 66 66 

Mobile: +49 160 48 41 439

Email: gudrun.alex@bobst.com


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Facebook: www.bobst.com/facebook
Twitter: @BOBSTglobal 

bobstPress conference June 8th 2022_105567

BOBST reveals its latest solutions to navigate through a fast-changing packaging industry

Mex, Switzerland, 8 June 2022


BOBST today announced its latest portfolio of products and services to help converters and brand owners to navigate through a new packaging environment. 


Back in 2020, BOBST revealed an industry vision based on four key pillars – connectivity, digitalization, automation and sustainability. Recent world events have accelerated the need for these as never before. Now, these four pillars have become the cornerstones not only of the BOBST strategy, but the entire packaging environment. 


“While it was impossible to predict world events of recent years, like the pandemic, global conflicts, and subsequent consequences for our industry such as shortages of materials and manpower, we did correctly identify the overall packaging industry trends,” said Jean-Pascal Bobst, CEO, Bobst Group. “While these trends have undoubtedly been accelerated, BOBST has implemented a strategy and built a portfolio of solutions and services that enables converters and brand owners to thrive even in this new packaging world.” 


At BOBST, we believe the future will be driven by even more connectivity and proximity, more digitalization and flexibility, more automatization and productivity and more sustainability and responsibility. Here are some of the newest innovations to complement the BOBST portfolio.  


More connectivity and proximity 


BOBST believes that the entire packaging value chain can be connected, giving clear visibility of the production process to converters and brand owners.


The key enabler of this vision is the new, updatedBOBST Connect, which provides digital solutions to prepare, produce, react to, maintain, and optimize the production workflow of a job. The newly launched version of BOBST Connect offers a host of features and functionality to help customers optimize their packaging at every stage. By linking up every single step of the process, BOBST Connect heightens efficiency, control, and data knowledge, improving quality and efficiency across the value chain. 


A great service experience is ensured through proximity to our customers. The new BOBST HelplineEssentialfor non-connectable machines is a remote assistance service that allows customers to have access to video streaming and high priority connection with BOBST Technical Services Specialists for quicker trouble shooting and issue solving. It is estimated that around 50% of cases will be solvable via streaming.


Meanwhile, to further improve parts logistics services, BOBST is opening a new logistics hub for the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) regions. The new EMEA hub – located in Genk, Belgium – joins existing hubs in the US and Asia Pacific. The logistics center, with 100 000 parts for all product lines are available for immediate dispatch, and it will significantly improve the service level to our EMEA customers with faster delivery times including a 24/7 dispatch service.


More digitalization and flexibility 


The need for digitalization is growing as it continues to enable reduction of steps and waste. 


In folding carton, BOBST is announcing the new ACCUCHECK RECIPE EDITOR for folder-gluers. Introduced in 2020, the new functionalities “inline inspection system” with ACCUCHECK, carefully checks carton blanks for defects and guarantees complete quality consistency.The new Recipe Editor allows users to create and edit ACCUCHECK recipes remotely within the BOBST Connect platform and to send these recipes to several ACCUCHECKs on the production floor. Leveraging the PDF data of the packaging artwork, this solution simplifies and significantly shortens set-up. As a result, it enables higher shop floor productivity, while also increasing quality and reducing waste by limiting the potential for human errors.


TheBOBST All-in-One DIGITAL MASTER 340 and DIGITAL MASTER 510 label presses were also launched in March, which fundamentally change the way label production is set up – fully digitalized from the PDF, with 100% inline inspection as a closed loop, to the final embellished and finished labels across one unified workflow. 


More automation and productivity 


In an era where converters and brand owners are facing higher demands than ever due to the booming e-commerce market, while simultaneously facing challenges such as shortages in skilled manpower and raw materials, automation and productivity have never been more important. 


In the corrugated board sector, the new EXPERTLINE – consisting of the EXPERCUT 1.7 I 2.1 and the EXPERTFLEX – is a large format converting line combining flatbed die-cutting and post-print flexo process, ideally suited to producing e-commerce solutions. It offers great flexibility and is available in a standard and mirror version. With unbeatable registration precision and perfect print register, the line provides unmatched box quality. Short setup times combined with TooLink technologyensure maximum uptime and a productivity of up to 20 million square meters per year. With its low TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), it is the perfect solution for any business to process the ultimate variety of e-commerce and FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) boxes.


In the folding carton sector, BOBST is announcing the new SPEEDSET, an enhanced set up time reduction pack available on all flatbed die-cutters. This pack considerably reduces changeover times and increases output. SPEEDSET includes improved ergonomics, such as an additional 15" screen at the feeder for faster setup of the optical registration system. Increased automation is also part of the pack, like pallet lifting for each new job setup and a motorized micrometric system to perfectly center die and counter plate to ensure perfect matching between cut and creasing positioning.TooLink is included to digitally connect the tool with the machine to exchange job data within seconds. 


Other highlights from this year include MASTERLINE DRO, a new rotary die-cutting solution that offers more performance, more value, and which equips converters in the corrugated industry with the most versatile, most automated, connected and highly ergonomic solution on the market; MASTERCUT 1.65 PER, the only flatbed die-cutter able to process folding carton, corrugated and litho-laminated board, from 0.5 mm to 2,000 g/m2, single or double flute; EXPERTFOLD 165 e-commerce, a new folder-gluer designed specifically to meet the demands of digital retail; and NOVAFOLD 50 | 80 | 110, a new folder-gluer for guaranteed reliability and performance. 

More sustainability and responsibility 


At BOBST, we believe that sustainability is not tomorrow’s challenge – and we are ready to launch sustainability solutions today.


BOBST – together with its partners – continues to make great progress. As part of the CEFLEX (Circular Economy for Flexible Packaging) initiative, we have recently introduced an exciting new high barrier flexible packaging solutiondesigned for recyclability – a metallized, high barrier, mono-material, flexo printed new recycled polypropylene (rPP) pouch. It is the first surface printed pouch with barrier, produced using rPP household collected recycled material on the market.


We are also working on a home compostable packaging solution in partnership with Tipa– a specialist developer of sustainable packaging – and a fully paper based, high barrier, recycle ready solution, called FibreCycle. The latter is part of oneBARRIER– a family of new alternative and sustainable solutions that BOBST is developing with its partners. 


Finally, as part of our commitment to the cross-industry consortiumR-Cycle and its mission to ensure the traceability of single-use plastics through Digital Product Passports (DPP), BOBST has completed a pilot at its Competence Center in Manchester, where a demo machine is R-Cycle ready. This project will now be extended to other product lines (Coating, Laminating, Ci Flexo printing, Gravure printing).


We believe that BOBST is in a strong position to help converters and brand owners to transform the way packaging is produced. 


“While there is no question that the challenges we face in today’s packaging environment are greater and more varied than ever, at BOBST we know we have the portfolio, services and partnerships in place to help converters and brand owners navigate successfully through them,” says Jean-Pascal Bobst, CEO, Bobst Group. “We have chosen the right strategy back in 2020 and now converters and brand owners can really benefit from that. Together, we can embrace a better future with confidence.” 





We are one of the world’s leading suppliers of substrate processing, printing and converting equipment and services for the label, flexible packaging, folding carton and corrugated board industries. 


Founded in 1890 by Joseph Bobst in Lausanne, Switzerland, BOBST has a presence in more than 50 countries, runs 19 production facilities in 11 countries and employs more than 5800 people around the world. The firm recorded a consolidated turnover of CHF 1.563 billion for the year ended December 31, 2021.




Follow us:

Facebook: www.bobst.com/facebook
Twitter: @BOBSTglobal 

Hot News


Nam Viet invests in BOBST MASTER M5X

to improve flexo operation


Mex, Switzerland, 14thJune 2022

The Vietnamese printing specialist has chosen to change its business strategy and initiate a new partnership with BOBST. The installation of the MASTER M5X press is already helping to ensure higher, more reliable print quality, faster turnaround, and lower waste, as Nam Viet leverages the distinct advantages of BOBST inline flexo technology.


Nam Viet Barcode Service Trading Production Corporation (Nam Viet) was founded in 2008 as a supplier of barcode printing materials for the industrial and non-industrial sectors. Over the years, the company has sought out continuous innovation and, in the process, created a strong reputation for high-quality products and excellent service. 


Today, Nam Viet occupies a modern manufacturing plant covering 4000 sqm, in Ho Chi Minh City, where more than 100 staff are employed in the production of labels, decals, stamps and seals in rolls or sheets for brand owners and other customers in the pharmaceutical, health care, cosmetics, agricultural, chemicals, home care, cleaning, electronics and food sectors. A branch in Cambodia, Navica Trading Thermal Transfer Ribbon Company Limited, was successfully established in 2013 to exploit potential new markets and for distribution purposes.   

The company is highly experienced in flexo printing, but the Nam Viet team was finding it difficult to maintain fast and reliable production with their existing equipment. Looking to eliminate problems with poor registration, excessive waste in setup and slow printing speeds, the management team, which is headed up by General Director Mr Tran Hoai Nhan, started to investigate the market. 


The BOBST MASTER M5 with its promise of exceptionally high levels of automation and digitalization soon attracted their attention. During a visit to Labelexpo Thailand, they were able to see the machine in action. This confirmed their initial impression and soon the decision to invest in an M5X model inline flexo press was made.


“Even before we had the live demo at the exhibition, we had very high hopes that the MASTER M5 would be the solution to our challenges,” said Mr Nhan. “During the Labelexpo show, we were able to ascertain that this was very likely to be the case, and now that the machine is up and running, we have the final proof.”


Automation is the answer to staffing issues


Machine reliability and ease of use are essential demands of any flexo press in label production today, as many printers struggle to find enough skilled staff to run the machines. At the same time, brand owners are demanding faster delivery, reduced waste and lower costs, while print quality must be high and repeatability must be guaranteed.


By automating many functions and thereby making machines very operator-friendly, BOBST delivers printing technology that enable their customers to cope with these conflicting requirements. The MASTER M5X inline flexo press is a brilliant example of how a fixed configuration can provide the quality, robustness and cost-effectiveness needed to fully exploit the market potential and deliver exceptional print results. It runs at speeds of up to 200 m/min printing on unlimited substrates, including self-adhesives (paper, PET, BOPP, PVC), unsupported film (PVC, BOPP, PET, and PA), alu-foil, lami-tubes, and light cartonboard, giving Nam Viet great flexibility and new opportunities to expand their offering.


In addition, automatic pre-register setting and ARC print-to-cylinder register control are included on the M5X for outstanding print quality. These innovations offer a high level of convenience for operators which translates into faster changeovers and therefore less press idle time, as well as creating lower waste in setup.


“We wanted to increase product quality with accurate colors and registration for all our customers, and at the same time reduce waste for better sustainability and higher profitability,” said Mr Nhan. “Our biggest challenge has been the team of workers and the lack of operator efficiency; and we knew that automation would be the answer to many of these problems. Our priority was to reduce downtime and maximize productivity on the machine and the BOBST machine gives us that.”


Nguyen Van Minh, who as Sales Manager for Bobst Vietnam is working with the customer, commented, “The MASTER M5X is quite simply the perfect machine for Nam Viet. Not only does it automate many functions as standard, making it much simpler to operate, but it is also future-proofed by the fact that BOBST DigiFlexo automation and oneECG fixed gamut printing can be added later on for even higher productivity and profitability.”


Investing for future growth


For any manufacturer, the decision to start a relationship with a different supplier and invest in new technology is momentous, but Mr Nhanhas no doubt that they picked the ideal partner. He said, “BOBST has certainly been the right choice for our current situation, both in terms of the technology and the after-sales service. The press has not disappointed and the reassurance that BOBST has a local technical team gives us peace of mind – it very much contributed to the final decision.” 


He concluded, “As an important part of our future strategy, the BOBST MASTER M5X will contribute to stabilizing the quality of our products, as well as the overall production plan. Moreover, it will bring real confidence for our customers when they visit and work with us.” 


Frédérick Couton, Technology Sales Manager, Narrow Web, Bobst Southeast Asia Pacific, commented, “It is always very satisfying to help a leading printing company tackle any problems in production and to the witness positive results. With the MASTER M5X on their production floor, Nam Viet can now proceed with their ambitious plans as they enjoy all the benefits that this innovative BOBST technology brings to the table.” 




NAM VIET_01: (From left to right) 

Mr Nguyen Quang Sang - production manager of Nam Viet 

Mr Nguyen Van Minh- Sales manager, BVN 

Mr Frederick Couton - Technology Sales Manager, Narrow web, South East Asia Pacific 

Mr Tran Hoai Nhan - director of Nam Viet 



BOBST MASTER M5X helps improve flexo operation of Nam Viet 


NAM VIET_ 03:(From left to right)

Mr. Tran Hoai Nhan - director of Nam Viet 
Mr. Nguyen Quang Sang - production manager of Nam Viet



E-Magazine 2022
PrintalkshowSPE22flyer REV
Epson Memenangkan Penghargaan Red Dot Design: Disain Produk 2022 

Epson telah memenangkan penghargaan Red Dot dalam kategori disain produk di Penghargaan Red Dot yang diakui secara internasional selama enam tahun berturut turut.

SD-10 Spectrophotometer

SD-10 adalah spektrofotometer yang sangat akurat, ringkas, dan terjangkau yang dilengkapi dengan filter yang dapat disesuaikan MEMS Fabry-Perot yang dikembangkan oleh EPSON. Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk mendigitalkan pencocokan warna, bagian pencetakan konvesional yang memakan waktu yang dilakukan secara manual, dan menghubungkannya dengan smartphone atau layanan cloud untuk mengelola informasi warna secara terpusat untuk proses pencetakan yang lebih baik. Berukuran saku dan portable, memungkinkan Anda mengukur warna kapan saja, di mana saja.

SL-D1030 Commercial Photo Printer


低い精度で自動的に生成された説明Printer foto komersial ini dilengkapi dengan fitur-fitur yang dibutuhkan oleh layanan photofinishing profeisonal. Bentuknya yang kotak memungkinkan beberapa unit untuk dipasang dengan rapi di konter toko. Dengan pengaturan dupleks baru, pengguna kini dapat melakukan pencetakan potong dua sisi selain pencetakan kertas gulung seperti pada pendahulunya SL-D1030. Penggunaan paket tinta meningkatkan jumlah tinta yang tersedia sebesar 25% *dan mengurangi jumlah ruang yang dibutuhkan untuk menyimpan tinta bekas sekitar 55%*.

*Dibandingkan dengan kartrid tinta yang digunakan oleh SL-D830 (SLIC3 < 200ml)

Red Dot Awards situs web resmi https://www.red-dot.org/

TIMTOS x TMTS 2022 ended succesfully


TIMTOS x TMTS 2022 ended successfully; TIMTOS is set to return in March 2023

TIMTOS x TMTS 2022, the first co-branded machine tool mega show in Taiwan, has successfully ended. The physical exhibition was held in Taipei Nangang Exhibition Halls 1 and 2 over six consecutive days (Feb. 21-26) while the online exhibition remained open until March 21. The show attracted more than 45,000 online and offline visitors at home and abroad. Notably, the online exhibition reached visitors from more than 40 countries/regions.

With 950 exhibitors in 5,100 booths, TIMTOS x TMTS is not only the largest trade show in Taiwan since the outbreak of the pandemic but also the world's first machine tool mega show in 2022. In response to border controls, the show featured an array of online services for international visitors and media, including “On-site Guide for Online Visitors”, “Sourcing Taiwan Machinery”, “On-site Guide for Media Tour”, “Live Tour @ Showground”, “Media Eye on TIMTOS x TMTS”, “Podcast Live”, and TIMTOS x TMTS Online. 

“Live Tour @ Showground”, “Media Eye on TIMTOS x TMTS” and “Podcast Live” delivered daily live updates from the show floor. The videos and podcast episodes have enjoyed 25,000+ views and listens. In addition, heavyweight attendees such as Mighty USA, EMIL Macchine, Faustino Pittori SRL, Hommel GmbH and Siemens Turkey, were guided to the showground and made real-time connections with selected exhibitors during 500 online sessions. Processing machines, multi-axis machining centers and laser cutting machines were amongst the most sought-after items for foreign buyers. 

Mr. Max Martinelli from Faustino Pittori in Italy gave thanks to the organizers, TAITRA, for arranging the On-site Guide service. The video guided tour created a great opportunity for him to learn about the latest products from important suppliers and discuss potential cooperation in a timely manner. Mr. Bo Jean from Mighty USA enjoyed the video guided tour as he could get a 360-degree view of each machine and converse with the exhibitors at the same time. International media was also deeply impressed by the strong R&D capabilities of Taiwan's machine tool manufacturers. Moreover, the “On-site Guide for Media Tour” proved to be very helpful for facilitating remote interviews during the pandemic. 

The machine tool industry keeps up with the development of future trends and accelerates digital transformation and upgrades. New models and solutions have targeted emerging business in sectors such as semiconductors, green energy, electric vehicles, health care and aerospace. This year’s TIMTOS x TMTS welcomed a wide spectrum of visitors from different industries. Major domestic visitors included TSMC, AIDC (Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation), Formosa Heavy Industries, Hon Hai Precision Industry, Chang Gung Medical Technology, Nan Ya Plastics, and CSMC (China Steel Machinery Corporation). 

Plenty of business conversations, networking and deals took place during the show. Many exhibitors were delighted with the orders placed on-site. KAO MING, the leading Taiwanese vendor of hydraulic radial drills, sold out of all of the drills on display at their booth within the first three days of the show. RONG FU, a leading band saw provider, CASTEK, an expert in EDM drilling machines, MYLAS, an outstanding lathe maker, HEAKE, which is recognized for its 5-axis mill, and SUN FIRM, a leader in flat bed lathes, also received on-site orders. It’s anticipated that many more potential business opportunities are to follow. 

TIMTOS is scheduled to return in 2023 from March 6 to 11. Application for exhibit space will open on April 26 and go on till May 5, 2022. For more updates on TIMTOS 2023, please visit www.timtos.com.tw, or follow the show on social media.

Raff & Wurzel invests in high-performance printing technology

Koenig Bauer

  • Up to 20,000 sheets/hr in 4-over-4 production as well
  • Fast makeready and high process automation
  • Extensive inline quality control
  • Equally cost-effective for long and short runs

At the beginning of the month, Raff & Wurzel Druck from Riederich in the south-west of Germany ordered a new high-performance press from the Rapida 106 X series made by Koenig & Bauer. It is scheduled to enter production in the late summer. The company has celebrated a very successful first business year since its relaunch in February 2021, and views the investment as vital preparation for further growth and future market challenges.

The eight-colour perfector press with additional inline coater is replacing a six-year-old sheetfed offset press in a similar configuration for the 3b medium format. It also defines new benchmarks in terms of performance – with production speeds up to 20,000 sheets per hour, and this in perfecting mode as well, with significantly more automation, and with extensive inline quality control features. The resulting benefits will give Raff & Wurzel the major technological advance it desires.

Raff & Wurzel belongs to P2 MedienInvest Holding, established by Peter Dankesreiter and Christopher Sommer. Their declared aim is to realise synergy effects along the entire value chain within the print and media industry. This objective also guides all activities by Raff & Wurzel. In its role as a print service provider, it implements lean and essentially automated ordering, production and logistics processes, and manages the decentralised marketing activities of its customers if they so wish. Customers who require only one particular service from the comprehensive portfolio can nevertheless expect a similar welcome. Networking with Wurzel Digital and others enables expansion of the portfolio to include document creation and image processing, as well as CGI visualisations, animations and interactive applications as well.

Increased print capacity

Managing director Thomas Uehling is already looking forward to the arrival of the new press: “Our production has been running at its limits over the past months. The new press will give us capacity reserves – including ones for additional jobs.” Uehling’s priorities are maximum availability, significant advances in process optimisation, the highest possible quality and a similarly high level of production reliability.

Accordingly, QualiTronic PDFCheck with its functions for colour control, sheet inspection and comparison of the printed image with a pre-press PDF, DriveTronic SPC and CleanTronic Synchro for fast job changes, and the LogoTronic performance package with PressProduction and OEE reports, are among the most important items on a long list of press features. On this basis, offset printing becomes profitable for run lengths involving as few as 300 sheets.

Even short runs are expected to be produced at high speed in perfecting mode. Thomas Uehling: “If this allows us to handle three extra projects every day, that will be a great help.” Christopher Sommer adds: “At the same time, the press will close a few gaps and enable us and our customers to address new market segments.” Peter Dankesreiter is equally pragmatic in his assessment: “The Rapida will even allow a number of smaller jobs to be handled profitably which would otherwise be assigned to a web press. But it is also ideally positioned between digital and offset printing.”

A highly automated Rapida 106 X with eight printing units, a perfecting unit for 4-over-4 production and an additional inline coater will be arriving at Raff & Wurzel in the late summer (2)

Focus on ecology

Alongside the quality control systems, which serve to reduce waste and potential customer complaints, further equipment details contribute to environment protection and resource efficiency in the print process. They include the VariDryBlue dryer systems, which recirculate the only partially saturated hot air from the first dryer modules in order to minimise overall energy consumption. Thanks to water cooling, waste heat from the press can be used to heat offices and production spaces. Low-alcohol printing, on the other hand, has meantime practically become the standard in the print industry.

Successful cooperation on the commercial side

One particular success story is the cooperation between Raff & Wurzel, P2 MedienInvest Holding and Elbe-Leasing as their financing partner. Where larger financing companies tend to view business with SMEs solely from the perspective of opportunity and risk assessment and follow what are essentially standardised procedures, a specialist with a background in the graphic arts is often able to offer print companies a more compelling master plan. Despite the fact that Raff & Wurzel and P2 previously only knew Elbe-Leasing from social media, the three partners quickly established a basis for trustful cooperation.

The relationship with Koenig & Bauer grew in much the same way: “We simply got on well with each other,” Peter Dankesreiter recalls. “Our meetings were open and transparent from the very beginning.” Christopher Sommer points out that the technologies and features of the Rapida 106 X are a perfect fit for the business concept pursued by Raff & Wurzel. Thomas Uehling has only praise for his team, to which the company owes the success it has enjoyed over the past year: “I can sense a similar level of commitment at Koenig & Bauer.” Reinhard Marschall, managing director of Koenig & Bauer Germany, thanked his counterparts for the confidence they had shown in his company’s abilities. “Our companies can both point to long traditions and are quite similar in their approach. I am looking forward to our continued cooperation.”

Interesting website: www.rwdruck.de
